Source code for bottle_utils.common

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import sys
    from urllib.parse import quote
except ImportError:
    from urllib import quote

from bottle import request, html_escape

__all__ = ('PY3', 'PY2', 'unicode', 'basestring', 'to_unicode', 'to_bytes',
           'attr_escape', 'html_escape', 'full_url', 'urlquote')

    ('&', '&'),
    ('"', '"'),
    ('\n', '
    ('\r', '
    ('\t', '	'),

#: Whether Python version is 2.x
PY2 = sys.version_info.major == 2

#: Whether Python version is 3.x
PY3 = sys.version_info.major == 3

if PY3:
    basestring = str
    unicode = str
if PY2:
    unicode = unicode
    basestring = basestring

[docs]def to_unicode(v, encoding='utf8'): """ Convert a value to Unicode string (or just string in Py3). This function can be used to ensure string is a unicode string. This may be useful when input can be of different types (but meant to be used when input can be either bytestring or Unicode string), and desired output is always Unicode string. The ``encoding`` argument is used to specify the encoding for bytestrings. """ if isinstance(v, unicode): return v try: return v.decode(encoding) except (AttributeError, UnicodeEncodeError): return unicode(v)
[docs]def to_bytes(v, encoding='utf8'): """ Convert a value to bytestring (or just string in Py2). This function is useful when desired output is always a bytestring, and input can be any type (although it is intended to be used with strings and bytestrings). The ``encoding`` argument is used to specify the encoding of the resulting bytestring. """ if isinstance(v, bytes): return v try: return v.encode(encoding, errors='ignore') except AttributeError: return unicode(v).encode(encoding)
[docs]def attr_escape(attr): """ Escape ``attr`` string containing HTML attribute value. This function escapes certain characters that are undesirable in HTML attribute values. Functions that construct attribute values using user-supplied data should escape the values using this function. """ for s, r in ESCAPE_MAPPING: attr = attr.replace(s, r) return attr
[docs]def full_url(path='/'): """ Convert a specified path to full URL based on request data. This function uses the current request context information about the request URL to construct a full URL using specified path. In particular it uses ``bottle.request.urlparts`` to obtain information about scheme, hostname, and port (if any). Because it uses the request context, it cannot be called outside a request. """ parts = request.urlparts url = parts.scheme + '://' + parts.hostname if parts.port: url += ':' + str(parts.port) return url + path
[docs]def urlquote(s): """ Quote (URL-encode) a string with Unicode support. This is a simple wrapper for ``urllib.quote`` (or ``urllib.parse.quote``) that converts the input to UTF-8-encoded bytestring before quoting. """ s = to_bytes(s) return quote(s)